Monday, November 18, 2024

Book Review - The Garden Within by Dr. Anita Phillips

I haven't written as much as I did in the past but writing is still cathartic. It's peaceful and often when I'm writing, I'm worshipping my Creator. Sometimes I desire to write, but the words aren't there. And while God understands our inaudible words and moans, that would simply translate to a blank page that many would not understand.

So today, hopefully, the words will come. A cataclysmic event happened in our country on November 5th, and I was deeply disappointed with the results. I still am, but I know that I must take care of my heart. So it was fortuitous that I was reading The Garden Within during this time of deep disappointment.

As Christians, we unwittingly view emotions as bad or something we have to control and tamp down. How many of you have heard, "You're too emotional" as if that were a ding against you? And having heard that for most of your life, how does that make you feel? For a lot of my life, I tried to manage my emotions to make