My daughter |
Occasional notes from my 20 year old daughter. I never know what to expect when she writes, but it's usually a pleasant surprise. Read on!
A quick note - As I was jogging early this morning, it occurred to me that I had not shared this poem that was written late last year. A friend of mine asked me yesterday to write something about acceptance - i.e. accepting what we cannot change. Having read this poem today, I think it fits the bill. God is amazing!
This culture I have participated in has far too long consumed my precious soul;
This lifestyle I think I know so well has confidently assured me that my slow suicide was a short cut to deceitful happiness;
"Acceptance is the path to understanding," they say. "Strive to be accepted."
Well, if I read the whole dictionary I would miss the words.
The sun screams as it's rays touch a new morning.
Creation dies every day, yet it's joy is in being created.
I don't know that the butterfly is accepted, but I know it's wings form geometrical patterns of Hallelujahs and structural Amen's actively soaring in the glorious details we miss when we worry.
Don't worry my dear, wait.
Wait without the weight of selfish anxiety.
Behold the active beauty in front of you that takes away your God-given breath as you celebrate your giving God.
Uphold his principles which are accepted into your bloodstream like nutrients.
Wait to be filled, feasting on the joy before you.
Wait, but do not worry.
It's in His hands, and in Him you are home.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6 NLT
O that you had listened to my commandments! then had your peace been as a river, and your righteousness as the waves of the sea: Isaiah 48:18 NLT