Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sometimes youth isn't wasted on the young!

Last night, I received a surprise call from a young man who is like family to us; really any friend that a child brings home becomes a part of the family.
This young man is now a senior in college and will be graduating in June. During our conversation I recalled how he initially did not want to go to college and thought it was a waste. He didn't have an alternate plan, he just wasn't going to college. A guidance counselor saw his potential and applied to college for him and lo and behold, he got accepted.
Fast forward four years and he's appreciative of the opportunity he has. He said there's a slim chance he would go to grad school; he wants to travel; he hasn't met the girl of his dreams(yet) and he's being responsible.
This conversation warmed my heart in so many ways and I was quite proud and happy for him.
Encourage a young person today; even though it seems that they're not listening if they know you care, it seeps in.

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