Friday, October 7, 2011

Cat Fight

Cat fight is a term often used to describe two females fighting. It can be an argument or a physical altercation. In the Bible they were two women in Phililppi that had a long standing argument between them that was affecting the local church; their names were Synteche and Euodias. The chapter doesn't state what caused the disagreement, but noted that it had created division in the church.

People may have been taking sides - but the unity was not there. Paul doesn't focus on the problem, but on the resolution: be of the same mind in the Lord.

What does it mean to be of the same mind in the Lord?
  • Put your differences aside - this requires humility.
  • Recognize the bigger picture - you are being shaped in to His character as you go through situations in this life.
  • Acknowledge that feelings have been hurt on both sides - it's ok to have hurt feelings; talk about it and pray about it until the pain is not so raw. God hears and heals.
  • Forgive each other and don't hold grudges - none of the above matters, if you don't forgive.
Christians are not immune from contentions and hurt feelings. Don't let contentions, little arguments that grow in to big things, divide the unity in your home, your family or church. As much as lies within you, live peaceably with all men.

No more cat fights, OK?


  1. I'm not into cat fights, but I know some people love the drama and start them for no reason.
    I do try to ask myself "what is the big pic?" and that does help keep things in perspective.
    Thanks for the message!

  2. Well said Sis. For me the most important words said was, "FORGIVE". True forgiveness is freeing. With that said, meowwwww!

  3. i like this..because we all need to refrain from the cat fighting in some areas of our lives!


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