Monday, September 17, 2018

Lord, Change My Vision

Lord, change my vision so that I see the way you do.

You know I focus on the problem instead of the potential.

I see worn rugs, leaky faucets, dirty dishes and dust that multiplies faster than any miracle You performed, instead of seeing your wondrous provisions.

I see estranged relatives, angry drivers, mean kids, and weird co-workers instead of seeing them as those made in your image.

I see others who are writing books, connecting with authors, speaking at conferences and something ugly rises up in me. You called this envy and I don't like it one bit. Forgive me Lord for taking my eyes off of you.

Lord, help me to stop 'speck'tating but instead to remove the beam out of my own eyes.

Lord change my vision and as you do, transform my heart.

Make my heart ever new, with a constant desire to serve You.

Make my heart a place that loves like you.

Make me kinder and more loving.

Lord change my vision so that I can see and love like you.

Lord, give me eyes that find the good in things, give me eyes that are full of compassion.

Lord, change my vision for there's work to do.

Lord change my vision so that others see You in me.

Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Matthew 9:35-37 [NLT]

If you're in need of a changed perspective, bring it to God. He can surely change your vision.


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  1. Such an honest transparent post! Beautiful!

  2. I enjoyed the article.It spoke to my heart and a great way to start my day. glory

  3. Oh, Nylse ... AMEN! That is my prayer as well. Change my heart and make me more like Jesus! Blessings and hugs!

  4. What a beautiful prayer. I think I need to read and pray this daily! And envy - don't I know it. So much better than I wish I did.

  5. Love this, Friend - i need His vision every day and every moment! great post!

  6. This is sooooo my prayer. Thank you for sharing.


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