Monday, November 7, 2011

Good Gifts

If you have good gifts, it implies that you can also have bad gifts.

I recently gave my mother the gift of house cleaning. I wasn't sure how it would go over since she's set in her ways and can be a tad exacting. I received so many phone calls prior to the scheduled date of the cleaning that I wondered if I'd done the right thing. I fretted and then I prayed. I said, "Lord, please send the right person to clean the house; may Mummy be happy; I'm turning this over to you; thy will be done." Well, she called me this morning and she was impressed with lady who came and the work that was done. She said the bathrooms look brand new. This was a good gift!

My daughter left this link on my FB page;she said it made her think of me. This was a good gift!

Our Father in heaven, gave the best gift by sending his Son to die for us. This was a good gift! As humans we sometimes fail in the gift giving department - but Jesus didn't and he hasn't.

A gift is only good when we see how it benefits us or enhances our lives; when we can feel the thoughtfulness of the giver as we open the gift; and if it is given in love.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11

Have you received any good gifts lately? Ever received a bad gift? What makes a gift good?

1 comment:

  1. What a great gift for your mother! I am grateful for the gifts that God gives to us...He is so gracious. I have a favorite pair of earring from my oldest son. I cherish them not only because they are beautiful but because they were his first gift to me after he had left home for college. In my eyes they are priceless.


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