For me, as I study God's Word, write about it and apply it to my life, I was intrigued to hear about others who were doing the same thing. This series was an act of faith for me, as it takes a lot of guts to reach out to women you don't necessarily know (but you've read their works) and interview them. I'm thanking God for allowing this to happen. I hope you are blessed by this series.
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Kim Cash Tate |
1. As someone who studies the Bible, what are your favorite tools and resources?
KCT: I love the Inductive Study Bible because it has nice margins to write in. As I study the New Testament, in particular, I like to keep handy the Interlinear Greek-English New Testament as well as The Complete Word Study Dictionary so that I gain a deeper knowledge of the meaning. I’ve studied Biblical Greek only at a rudimentary level, but I love languages and love digging deeper into words. I’m always fascinated when our English language doesn’t quite capture the meaning of certain words as originally written in Greek. I also love ancient Bible maps and keep them handy.
2. Old Testament, New Testament or both?
KCT: Most definitely both. We need both as students of the Word and followers of Christ. I love the Old Testament and love that it’s filled with types, shadows, and prophecies that are fulfilled in Christ. We better understand much of what Jesus relates in the Gospels if we know the Old Testament.
3. Why do you study the Bible? What was your initial motivation?
KCT: I was initially motivated to go deeper with Bible study (as opposed to simply reading the Bible) when we moved to a different state and changed churches. I was hearing differences in what the new church taught as opposed to my old church—and these were serious doctrinal differences. I cried out to God because I wanted to know the truth for myself. That’s when He led me to study my Bible inductively, back in the year 2000. I began in the book of Genesis and worked my way through the Bible, verse by verse. Bible study is a way of life for me. It has transformed my life, my attitudes, my thinking, my opinions—everything. And I’ve grown to know, love, and trust God more deeply. It is an ongoing journey and time in the Word is a treasured part of my day.
4. How does inspiration work for you? How do you know that what you're writing or understanding is as if God is moving the pen and you're just the vehicle?
KCT: As I stay filled with the word and seeking the Lord, I know when I’m being moved as I write because it often comes when I’m not writing. I might be in the shower or driving or washing dishes, and words come. It happens all the time, which is why I keep index cards in my purse and all around the house, lol. Also, the Notes app in my phone is filled with things I have to get done but may not have paper and pen handy. I write fiction as well, and I love the journey with God through fiction. I pray as I write, chapter to chapter, often having no idea what’s next. And then it comes to me, and I marvel because I know it’s God. I’m always amazed by the people who tell me they’re impacted by my novels, in terms of their walk with God. And I give Him all the glory because I know it’s Him working through the words I write.
5. How do you handle complex topics that may not align with popular views? (Can you give an example?)
KCT: There are complex topics that I still don’t have the sort of understanding that I’d like to have. But one example of a topic I’ve come to understand better is election, or God’s “choosing” of us. I’ve covered this topic in my YouTube study of Ephesians and in my latest book, Cling. I didn’t cover the topic in order to engage in a debate, but because it was necessary for the subject matter. But in terms of how I handled it…. I like to walk people verse by verse through Scripture and look at what the word actually says. It’s astounding how often it’s mentioned, in the Old and New Testament, and it’s astounding how much it leads to praise to our almighty God.
6. When confronted by the truth of scripture, even for difficult topics, how does it re-orient you?
KCT: I’m re-oriented all the time by the truth of scripture. Particularly in my early days as a believer, fundamental transformations occurred as I studied scripture—my thinking about my identity, my past, my regard for others, the need to forgive, my purpose in life, almost everything was re-oriented. I love the correction that the Word brings. It doesn’t feel good in the moment usually. But it causes me to stop and turn, to repent, to think differently about a situation, a person, a season, whatever is happening. Truth directs and redirects me to the path I need to be on.
7. Tell us a little bit about yourself, current projects you are working on and where you can be found.
KCT: I’ve been married to my husband Bill for twenty-four years, and we have two children—a son who's a sophomore in college, and a daughter who's a senior in high school. I grew up in the DC area and practiced as an attorney for a number of years in Madison, Wisconsin, where we began our careers. But when I came to know the Lord at twenty-seven, He turned all of my plans upside down. I left my career to be home with my children when they were toddlers. And He put the desire in my heart to study His word deeply and to write for Him. I have had several books published and have written for several online sites, including Desiring God. My latest book is Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God. I can be found at and on social media @kimcashtate.
8. How do you deal with discouragement and doubt? (Bonus question)
KCT: I cling to God. :) I run to His Word and always, take it to Him in prayer. I am thankful that He meets me in those times and ministers to me. He is a faithful God.
Thanks for reading. Please take a moment to share using the buttons below and also please like my Facebook Page. Stay Encouraged!
Love this series! <3 Misty
Nylse, thank you so much for embarking on this series. I enjoyed reading Kim's responses and I've been inspired to dig deeper into the Word. You're such an encouragement!
I love interviews and seeing all the various answers from different people over time. Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God sounds like something I would love to read!
ReplyDeleteVisiting from the Distracted Much link up! Great series! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteNysle - I am so sorry, it has taken me a whole week to stop by and comment from #TuneInThursday linkup last week. I was away at a Conference since last week and the wifi was practically non-existent.
ReplyDeleteI love that you were bold and courageous and reached out to these other women you will be sharing with us over the next weeks. I love hearing others peoples hearts and also how they study and what the prefer as well. I am looking forward to more in the future. thanks again
Again thank you for linking up last week, and I hope to see you today at #TuneInThursday
I feel awful, for not discovering this blog sooner. This blog is a bit of magnificence, nothing else.