Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to Blow Your Nose

I'm slowly adjusting to the joy of being a grandmother. Seeing the world through a child's eyes while having no direct responsibility for their upbringing. The pleasure of doing little things that bring joy like planting flowers or sitting for long periods coloring. Listening to her talk while she colors and learning her new favorite word - boring. "This TV show is boring." or "This music is boring." Everything is currently boring if it's not what she selected. 

We play, we laugh, we talk and it's noticeable that she has the sniffles. Her mom said she had a slight cold and might be under the weather. Well, she still had a boatload of energy!

She sneezes and my automatic response is to hand her a tissue and say "Blow your nose!" Well, it's obvious that there's a backlog of mucus but she doesn't know how to blow her nose.

And here is a joy of grandparenting - how to teach a grandchild to blow her nose. I finally said use all your breath and pretend you're trying to push something through your nose. That seemed to click because she tried to show me and said "Like this?" I enthusiastically said, "Yes!" 

The next time she sneezed, she made an attempt to blow her nose. I think we're finally on our way!

Have you ever taught a child or anyone to blow their nose? What was your method?

Note - this post is silly and I approve this message.


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  1. I’m living a silly grandmothering life as well! Can’t believe I sat at our picnic table and blew bubbles for an hour last week. (Loved every minute!)

  2. What a lovely story. It's great when a grandmother gets to recreate those milestone moments.

  3. This is awesome Nylse, I remember teaching my girls to blow their noses when they were little. I think I tried to show them with a tissue myself with exaggerated nose air and had them try.
    Thanks so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friends September Link up dear friend.


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