Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Witness

I recently read The Witness on my Kindle. A Kindle is a perfect gift for a reader, and now that I've discovered sources for free e-books, I download quite often.
This book is in the Christian Fiction genre.  The story line is quite riveting and action packed for a Christian book - I didn't think I would find murder, mystery and intrigue in this type of book. I was pleasantly surprised.

Synopsis: Amanda Griffin is deep in hiding, using various aliases to fly under the radar of nefarious criminal interests. When she witnesses a multiple murder, Deputy Chief of Police Luke Granger befriends her. He fails to convince Amanda to come out of hiding, however. Three years later, Amanda's story and that of two newly minted millionaire sisters come together, and Luke finds his interest in Amanda becoming more personal. 

In the midst of all the action, there's plenty of soul searching (see excerpts below) and without giving away the story line we are able to see God's grace in difficult situations.

  • When the main character is asked, do you still trust God? She answers, "I understand the doubts that surface when you look at someone and can't totally be sure if what you are seeing is the real story.  But is it trust that is the problem, or is it discernment?"
  • But this is earth, not heaven. And the reality on earth is its the good days that are the exceptions in this life, not the bad.
  • Now God hasn't changed, he's still loving and righteous and in charge. And evil and free will still exist. God could change this, but it doesn't necessarily mean He will.
  • That's been by God's grace; accepting where I am limited and figuring out there will be some way through the latest wrinkle.

What are your thoughts on the quotes above? Is it hard to trust God when your circumstances seem difficult and unfair? How do you reconcile a loving God with your circumstances?


  1. Now God hasn't changed, he's still loving and righteous and in charge. And evil and free will still exist. God could change this, but it doesn't necessarily mean He will.

    Over the years we have experienced difficulties but we have always trusted that God will see us through. We don't always want to go through trials but such is life. And in spite of whatever we face...God is still good!

  2. I should look into this book...I heard there are great and aesoe Christian books out there! I think for me it has to do with always trusting that God is bigger than my problems!


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