Friday, September 16, 2011

Finally Friday

School finally started for my youngest this past Monday - Woohoo!!!
Every year when school starts it feels like a new beginning for me; I feel this more so in September than in January. You know I believe in the power of prayer, so at the beginning of this school year, I pray for wisdom, peace, favor with God and man, good grades, protection, patience, faith and trust for my children and all of those in my extended family (that includes your children also).
I'm experiencing some new beginnings in my professional life which I'm very excited about. God is good!
I've been talking about blogging so much to one of my best friends and now she blogs! Congrats to her. I don't think she's ready to share with the whole world yet, but when she does I'll let you know. They are some really genuine sincere people in the blog world. I was recently challenged by this post from my blog friend Kristin.
One last nugget, from the mouth of babes. I was debating which musical lessons my youngest should take. In the past she did piano and now she wants to do strings - violins or guitar. We've had a running conversation for the past couple of days. So one evening this week we had the following conversation:

Me: I'm trying to decide if you should do piano or strings.
Little One: long pause....Mummy, if I'm doing something and I don't like it, it's just wasting time.
Shocked by the profoundness and the truthfulness of this statement we continued.
Me: Do you always like school?
Little One: No
Me: Is it a waste of time?
Little One: No...OK, anything that's not educational, if I'm doing something and I don't like it is a waste of time...
I just had to smile, because she gets it. If you're willing to learn from them, children can teach you so much.

Have a wonderful weekend. I hope you have a place of worship where you can meet with other believers, if not I encourage you to find a church home.
God's riches blessings on you, my friends.

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