Saturday, February 11, 2012


Here's what I'm realizing: I have compartmentalized my life and have not totally given over everything to the Lord.  There's a fear in me that's holding me back.  I only realized this after reviewing a dead end career path within the last four years; I've taken the safe route even though its not fulfilling. I've rationalized the safe route by  telling myself "it's OK, or who needs to be happy in their job or it's just a job", and other such things to make myself feel good. Ultimately these rationalizations made me realize that I'm not doing what I'm called to do.

I've been playing small, when God is so much bigger than my perceptions of Him.

I'm learning that I need to take leaps of faith; not blind and willy nilly leaps, but God inspired leaps of faith.

I'm learning that the only way to build up my faith is to saturate myself with Him by spending time meditating on His word.  What does meditating look like? For me sometimes its looks like I'm doing nothing, but I'm pondering and chewing over something I've read earlier. I'm having quiet conversation with God.  This happens many times in the quiet hours of the morning or while behind the wheel.

My year of MORE is not self seeking so that at the end I have more things; it's truly about wanting MORE of God to be evident in every aspect of my life.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalms 51:10

Do you compartmentalize God? Is there an area of your life that you need to turn over to God?


  1. I keep realizing just how much I still need to surrender to Him. I never thought of myself as compartmentalizing but I can see where I am doing it too...and God is working on me!

  2. Hi Nylse, I'm a compartmentalizer as well and I much of my life has been spent doing the safe thing. I long for the courage to forge ahead boldly.

  3. The creator has made a fine showing with regards to changing the sentiments into words.


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