Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Brother's Keeper

Last week a prominent person committed suicide and many were shocked and saddened by it, probably because of his age and his method of dying. Suicide happens; it's not the wisest choice, but an individual chooses this path.
Have you ever felt like you didn't matter? Like no one would care if you weren't here? That God doesn't love you or cares about what's happening to you? Have you ever felt so sad, that it feels like an ache that won't go away? Have you ever wondered if you're a victim of your circumstance? I have felt some of these feelings - but what I know today is that these are all lies. You matter - to others and to God. If you read the Bible you will know that Satan is the father of lies. John 8: 42-44.

Christians suffer with these feelings also - David, Elijah, Job, and Jeremiah are some people mentioned in the Bible who struggled with feelings of unworthiness and wanted to die.

But I want to flip this around and challenge you to be a good friend to the people in your life. Don't categorize your friends and call some of them acquaintances, or associates, or whatever name you give to people that you regularly interact with.
I'm challenging you to consider them all as friends. Get to know them - call them, chat with them, eat with them,  hang out with them.
Don't be a friend that neglects. I know life happens.  One of the saddest things about the recent suicide was a friend on the news saying he wished he had checked in more; as a friend, he had no idea what was going on.

Oftentimes when you're feeling down, just knowing that someone cares can make all the difference in the world. That's what helped me when I was in that place - knowing that someone cares but more importantly recognizing that God cares and I was not in this life alone.

Remember, a friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

In this year of MORE, I'm challenging myself to being a better friend to the people in my life.

Are you a good friend? Are any of your friends hurting? What are you doing to help them?


  1. I think the beginning of our conversion was when I was pregnant with my 6th chills..not feeling well and not really happy about the whole situation....and a stranger came up to me and knew this was my 6th baby...and told me she had been praying for me and the baby. It was like a messenger!! I now pray for people I don't know ..but God knows! and I try to be a del friend. try, anyway!
    I am your newer follower..pls follow back if you can.

  2. I try to be as good of a friend as I can. I typically know when a friend is hurting and I do my best to understand why so that I can help. I always include the person and their struggles in my prayers. Sometimes helping is talking, other times it's listening, sometimes it's dropping by just to watch a tv show together. Feeling empty and/or alone is scary and I try my best to allow anyone to wallow there.


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