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My Daughter |
Occasional notes from my 19 year old daughter. I never know what to expect when she writes, but it's usually a pleasant surprise. Read on!
"I need answers from God before I go anywhere. Why is He doing this like
that? He needs to follow my way because it's well thought out and benefits me.
God needs to follow my timeline. God needs to let me succeed before I tell the
world about Him. God needs to be patient, and trust that I'll live whole-heartedly
for Him when I'm 40. God needs to be for me only, forget the rest of his
Kingdom that He wants to invite to Heaven. God needs me!”
you argue against Him you are arguing against the very power that makes you
able to argue at all: it is like cutting off the branch you are sitting
on"- C.S Lewis
I know
it doesn't sound pretty, but there’s no way to get around the truth: God doesn't need you. He doesn't need
to listen to you, He doesn't need to adhere to your ultimatums, He doesn't need
to follow your direction, and He surely does not need to fit into any boxes. He
is God. The one who made the very being that you are. He's been around before
time began. He is the author of time itself, and your life is but a vapor in
that time line.
Inspiration for C.S Lewis' book "God in the Dock" was a
metaphor that He used to describe the relationship between humans and God. The
metaphor suggested that modern human beings, rather than seeing themselves as
standing before God in judgment, prefer to place God on trial while acting as His
judge. But how can we judge our creator when we are his creation?
"A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a
servant above his master"-Jesus, Matthew 10:24
context, Jesus was letting the disciples know what their job description was as
they were recently hired and trained to do God's work. He was preparing his
disciples for the upcoming persecutions they would face, eradicating fear
before it could become a problem (this same verse will be used to address another
face of pride, stay tuned). This statement is true in its specific context, and
in its general context. No matter how amazing the disciple/servant is, they
would never be who they were without the development they received UNDER their
If I
ever told my mother I was better than her, before she could slap some sense
into me, I would probably hear her say something like, "I carried you for
9 months! Are you insane?" Without my mom there would be no me. No matter
how amazing I think I am, or others think I am, I wouldn't have been anything
without her.
best example of someone who lived this out is Jesus Himself. In Isaiah 52:13-53
(and many other chapters), Jesus is described as a sin bearing servant of
God. We often talk about Jesus' suffering, but I think we forget how much God
has suffered and why Jesus even did what He did. Jesus' motivation was twofold:
He came to do His father’s mission, and
He came to save us (only because of his Father’s love for us, not because
we’re all that and then some.)
the Old Testament we see God's immense love for humankind. One of the best
images to me is actually in Genesis. After God declared Adam and Eve's
punishment, God did something we often look over:
"Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made
tunics of skin and clothed them." Genesis 3:21
anger is always righteous, that’s something pride won't tell you. His love is
also abundant and overwhelming; something that pride won't let you see. God
still cares when we mess up, and there’s nothing we can do to earn that. He loves
us BECAUSE HE WANTS TO, and He loves us in the way that we need love. God wants
us, but doesn't need us. We need God, but sadly we don't seem to want Him. We
instead chose our own will, and exclude God totally, or minimize Him to fit our
thing about God's love is His will always includes a way for Him to love us. We
are never a second thought, or forgotten. We are always considered!
enough, if we look at why God wanted Jesus to die, the only reason is us.
Despite everything we already did the lack of evidence that we would ever love Him
back, the lies, the adultery, and choosing worthless things over Him He still
decided to follow through on His word and make a way for us to love Him back. God relentlessly wants us.
a Praise Break Here because if that doesn't make you get up and have joy in
your Heart that you just can't put into words than I don't know what will.
Resume reading when you can.]
wants us with an everlasting love. God is love Himself, if anyone knows how to
love, it's Him, and if anyone knows you it's Him. We are created by Love! And
it's not because of anything we've done. God
does not work on a debt system, this life is not a game of "I owe
you". It is an experience of "I love you."
We see
this love in the little details like God clothing us, in the discipline of God
correcting us, and in the embrace of God holding us. He gives us love in abundance,
and goes above and beyond our needs.
God does not need you, but you most
assuredly do need God - all the time, for everything. His breath of life is
what keeps you awake. The fact that He doesn't need you is what makes grace so
amazing. WE MESSED UP, we still mess up and what we need is His love to live
and He says "Here it is."
you actually love God back with your all, when you trust Him enough to let Him
know you’re frustrated while keeping in mind his sovereignty, pride is not a
problem. It's time to expose the face behind the mask of comfort and really see
how much our sin cost us, even if that makes us uncomfortable. Let's strive to consistently walk in
Christ, no matter what the circumstance may be. He doesn't need us at any time,
but He loves us eternally from beginning to end.
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I believe that when we get too big for our britches God always pushes us in a corner where we have no one to call on and no where to look but up. This post is a testament to that.