Monday, September 9, 2013

Thoughts on Moving - Relationships

Moving is one of those things that clarifies the relationships in your life.

With friends, though the distance was great the conversations were just as rich. Some friends didn't care to talk as much via phone, and some started to call more. For me being away from a rich sisterhood made me do what I could to maintain the relationships. Most were maintained, but some fell by the wayside and that was OK; moving away made me value the friendships I had.

Extended family was already dispersed, but now I was much farther away. I made the observation that I found myself calling more when I was away than when I was near. In a strange way I was more connected with my family from a far.  However it's not the same as being within striking distance particularly on big holidays when we're used to having extended family around. Again, moving forced me to realize the treasure we share when family gets together.

My family
Moving solidified the relationship between my husband, my children and I. With my husband it became quite clear that as long as we had each other we could tackle anything. I saw the children go through adjustment pains and sometimes it was hard to watch. When my son left for college he lived in NY, when he came home for Christmas that first year, home was CA. "So this is where we live now?" he said, as he realized that no close friends were around. He had to hang out with us and that might have been a bit tricky - but we all got to know each other because we had no one else. Younger children are more malleable, but for the older ones it was a bit more challenging as they were in the self discovery phase of their lives. I've learned that when moving with children it is wise to consider their ages to determine their future adjustment.

Overall, moving has been a growth experience for me. It has allowed me to broaden my perspective, learn about other cultures, embrace new things, and become more self reflective. I've become more comfortable with who I am and the skin I'm in. God has used this move to shape my character with so many experiences along the way, and I'm grateful for that.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Are you better for moving?


  1. Yes, indeed. My daughter came home from college to our home in MA but left for her sophomore year from our new home in NJ. *sigh* Luckily, she was excited about being closer to NYC. This is a good post. It captures the sentiments of each move we've made. Thankfully, I don't think we'll be repeating these experiences. Tired of cardboard boxes.

  2. It's so true. Distance is a game changer and can really make you appreciate what you have. It can either causes you to drift or solidify relationships. My sister called me on Sunday and it was the first time that we had talked on the phone in a long time. She called because she doesn't live here anymore. Somehow when we lived hours away and knew we would be seeing each other all we did was text. I have a friend who moved to Alaska and we talk now and then but I pretty much never talk to any friends that live here.

  3. It's true about how moving impacts children. I'm currently wanting to relocate but since my daughter has another year of highschool I'm going to be patient and let her finish it out b/c I know how tough it can be to adjust and make new friends. Thanks for this post and you have a beautiful family!


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