I am the mother of four children and I am quite proud of all of them. I don't always feel proud and then someone may give me a gentle nudge reminding me of what they see in my children. Or I receive a note like the one below from my older daughter and it makes my heart swell with pride.
For my 22nd birthday I would like to raise $2,200 to
help build a well in Africa for communities that are
lacking clean water. This is basically my gift to
others considering how blessed I am. I don't need much else but everyone needs clean water; without it how
would we survive? So this is my gift to others.
I hope you can donate or at least pass this message
along to others in our family. I love you and I hope
you remember how blessed you are to even be able to
flush a toilet, shower, cool and drink water and much much more daily.
With love,
Since I have this small little space on the internet, I'm letting my readers know about this also. I hope you feel led to donate and help out someone less fortunate than us in this country.
Isn't this a great birthday gift?!
This is amazing! I love the Water Project. And it's so amazing to see beautiful things doing beautiful things for others. Amen!