Monday, April 23, 2018

Don't Let Another Wounded Soldier Die

The Girl - this is what she became.  She no longer had a name - everyone called her The Girl.  The Girl attended church and was a member of the Youth Choir.  The Youth Choir really blessed others when they sang, but as these things go, not everyone believed or lived what they sang.  The choir director could only do so much to ascertain a person's spiritual condition.

The Girl got pregnant. They were many cries of "How could this happen?"  "She sang every Sunday", and "Oh my goodness."  To hear it being told all of the ones condemning her were near perfect in their youth and never made any mistakes.  The Girl left the church and as far as I knew never came back.

To add insult to injury, The Girl and her "condition" became a topic at the next church business meeting.  Personally speaking, I strongly detest the business of the church.  Anyhow, various members berated the Girl and her situation saying things such as, "policies need to be in place to ensure this didn't happen again." The tone was revolting; there was no love.  At that particular point in time, I wondered how the Girl would feel if she were here.  I may have gotten up and taken a stand (but I don't remember anymore).

That young lady was a wounded soldier in our midst. Every time I hear this song, I think of that young lady and her woundedness. There have been many wounded soldiers among us.

Life is a battlefield.  On a battlefield, we are assaulted and injured.  We are at war, so we are bound to get hurt as our enemy is like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). When we get hurt, we oftentimes try to get back up and continue.  But sometimes the hurt is so deep, the wounds so painful, we want to just lay there and die.  Then someone comes along - they give us a hand or they literally lift us and carry us. They move us out of harm's way; they wash our lacerations; they reset our broken bones; they love us to restoration.

Imagine going to a doctor about a particular ailment.  Instead of treating you the doctor begins to scold, berate, and disparage you about your ailment.  After all of this, he never treats your ailment but dismisses you.  How would you feel? So many times this is how we treat the hurting among us.  Don't let another wounded soldier die.

Our wounds take many forms - old habits, wrestling with trauma from past experiences, poor decisions, unforeseen circumstances. Sometimes, even though we mean well, we get stuck on the wrong things and in the wrong places. It can happen to any of us. If you come into contact with a hurting person, before you condemn, help. Place the oil of kindness in the wounds to help the person heal. Carry them until they are able to walk and then minister to them in love. Don't let another wounded soldier die.

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. Luke 10:33-34

Carlene Davis sings my favorite version of this song, but I could not find that version on Youtube so this one will do.

Do you know any wounded soldiers? Are you a wounded soldier? Have you ever heard this song?


  1. So true. The sad part is many of the ones who condemn are wounded as well, yet they fail to seek "His" medical attention go through life in hurt, judging and hurting others. Thank you for reminding us to show love and compassion. We never know when in life we may be a wounded soldier in need.

  2. Serious goose bumps! Growing up I saw this often and it always made me sad. When we're down, when the worst has happened, we need nothing more than God's people showing love and compassion. What better way to bring someone to Christ when they can see that unconditional love. I truly hope "The Girl" found people who were able to look beyond and show love at a time she truly needed it.

    Such a wonderful post!!

  3. Such an important post. I wonder how many people have been wounded in this way in the church, which should be a place of love and grace and forgiveness. Thanks for sharing these needed words. Blessings to you! I'm your neighbor at #TellHisStory.

  4. Sad how we shoot our wounded. I'm in the middle of an issue in my own church, a wounded sister, trusting for wisdom in how to handle some details surrounding the situation and getting great encouragement here today. Thank you.

  5. The doctor analogy is a good one. It's so sad how, sometimes, our wounded are hurt even more instead of receiving the love and help that they need. I loved reading your words and appreciated the reminder. I'm going to share this on all my platforms.

  6. Wow, I loved this post especially in light of the fact that May is Mental Health Awareness month. Talk about wounded and judged, those that suffer with mental illness are many time dismissed and left to hurt alone. Sometimes it is because we do not know how to help but all of us can offer a smile and little kindness. Thank you for sharing on Grace and Truth Link-Up. I will be sharing.

    1. HI Nylse - I loved this so much I will be featuring your post tomorrow on my website for the Grace and Truth Link-Up. I hope you stop over to share with your readers. I will also post on social media. Thank you for your words.

  7. Such a powerful post, Nylse. We are all wounded soldiers and only one moment away from being the one condemned instead supported. As Jesus drew the line in the sand asking for who could be the one free of sin, none of us are. We all have a story and in the midst of the story lies sin. The sin for which our Savior died and the reason for which we all can be assured we need Him.

    Love this post so much!!!

  8. Hey Nylse, I found you through the Grace and truth link-up; you were Maree Dees's featured post, though I think I also know you through Christian women of color communicators. Any way, great post! You basically wrote about me. I asknthat girl in your opening photo...the one crying to her friend, confessing that she's pregnant, out of wedlock, and I was a dancer in the church. Then I was put in church discipline...and the rest of my broken identity is history. But God!!!! Thank You for sharing and reminding us to love our wounded, not to make examples out of them. Blessings!

    1. Tiffney, you gave me goosebumps. Ain't God good!
      Blessings to you!

  9. If we can change something and fix the situation helping someone to survive or reduce stress, then it is necessary to take all possible options.


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