Monday, February 24, 2020

Your Apron Ministry

Susanna Wesley, the mother of twelve children, took her relationship with God seriously. Early in her life, she vowed that she would never spend more time on leisure entertainment than she did in prayer and Bible study. Even amid the most complex and busy years of her life as a mother, she still scheduled two hours each day for fellowship with God and time in His Word, and she adhered to that schedule faithfully. The challenge was finding a place of privacy in a house filled to overflowing with children. Mother Wesley's solution to this was to bring her Bible to her favorite chair and throw her long apron up over her head, forming a sort of
tent. Whenever her apron was over her head, her children knew it was her time of prayer and did not disturb her. Perhaps you have heard of some of her children - Charles Wesley and John Wesley.

Susanna lived in the 1700s, yet there are some things about motherhood that are timeless. Somehow it seems that we never have time for ourselves, but we can learn from Susanna's example.

Discipline - when something is important, you prioritize it. Some can wake up early before the chaos start; some are evening people. But find time in your busy day to quiet yourself, read God's word, and pray.

Creativity - Susanna threw her apron over her head, forming the perfect space of solitude. More importantly, she knew her children knew what this meant, so this time was undisturbed. Whatever you do - whether it is going into a closet, hiding in the bathroom, taking a walk, be sure your family understands that this is uninterrupted time with you and your Creator. You may call it ME time, but it's your time to refuel and get to know God on a deeper level.

Legacy - As she grew in her relationship with God, her children benefited. She was able to pass on timeless lessons. She was a living example to her children; she didn't just teach it, she lived it.

Susanna's story encouraged me to stay the course reinforcing the idea that time spent with God is time well spent. Parents, take time to know God on a deeper level as the ramifications are potent.

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. Psalms 62:5

How do you daily spend time with God? 


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  1. Now that my children are out of the house and I am not working there is plenty of time to find space for God. But one thing I did when I had babies that didn't sleep through the night... After I fed them and put them back down. I spent some quiet time with God before I crawled back into the bad. It was often the only time I had. Because not matter when I rose for the day, the kids were up soon after.

    1. Mandy, I appreciate your honesty. Sometimes when life doesn't go the way we want, we have to find the time anyhow. So throw your apron (or shirt) over your head, right now. The perfect time is the time we make. I appreciate your comment.

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  2. I made a commitment to start each day of Lent with God. Even a few minutes before I get out of bed in the mornings starts the day off the right way.

  3. I so agree with you that time spent with God is time well spent! I can't believe it's already time for Lent to start. It snuck up on me this year.

  4. WoWZers! Nylse, what a convicting post! "never spend more time on leisure entertainment than she did in prayer and Bible study" <—THAT is a goal!!! Thanks for sharing this!

    Pinned and will share to the IE Facebook.

    Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

  5. What a wonderful woman of God! She actually had 19 children but lost some in infancy, so in between having or nursing babies, she still managed to bring her children up unto the LORD! No wonder she needed to use her apron for some quiet time! Thanks for this wonderful post!

  6. I love the legacy of Susannah Wesley. And this season of the year is crucial for making commitments that help us to grow in our love for God.

  7. Wow. Twelve children, two hours with the Lord.

    It makes all our excuses pale in comparison. Thanks for this wake-up nudge!

  8. My early morning time at the desk in my basement is pretty critical to the way I function the rest of the day, Nylse. And I LOVE the thought of Mrs. Wesley huddled under her apron on her favorite chair. What a legacy she left her family!

  9. Always loved this story and example of a godly and perhaps desperate mother - aren't we all? I would need a sound proof apron, I'm afraid!

  10. I've always been inspired -- and intimidated -- by Susanna Wesley's story. Now that my children are older (14 and 9), I can tell them I'm doing my Bible study, and they will mostly leave me alone. The cat, on the other hand, doesn't understand. ;)

  11. I love the vision of Susannah with an apron over her head! It's so important to develop our relationship with God through the motherhood years.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing this about Susanna Wesley—what an amazing woman! And what an encouragement for us all. 🤗 Stopping by from #tuneinthursday

  13. Susanna lived in the 1700s, yet there are some things about motherhood that are timeless.khalid Hassan
    Somehow it seems that we never have time for ourselves, but we can learn from Susanna's example.

  14. How do you daily spend time with God?
    i think this is one of the best critical question for me...

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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