Monday, August 21, 2023

Everything is All Right

Have you prayed so long for something, finally received it in a way you didn't expect, and after a time, the answered prayer is a disappointment? 

Your dream job finally appears after much prayer and effort on your part. Things are going well; you're learning new things, and you have a great rapport with your coworkers. You start to breathe. You've made it past the first year, but now there are rumors of layoffs. Typically you'd ignore these but see your coworkers falling left and right. Then one day, it's your turn.

Or you've just moved and met the friend you hoped for. You've spent significant time in prayer about this friendship. Things go smoothly until you hit a road bump - this relationship looks pretty one-sided. You're unable to salvage the relationship, so now you're friendless (again).

The story of the Shunamite woman reminded me that even when we have what we want, there are always unexpected events. Through it all, we can say, "Everything is all right." The story is found in 2 Kings 4:8-37. The KJV says, It is well, but I'm using the NIV translation because it resonates deeply with me.

The Shunamite woman was a prominent and well-respected member of her community. The man of God, Elisha, was in town often. Recognizing that he was a man of God, she suggested that she and her husband build guest quarters for him in their house. Elisha was grateful and used this space often. As a show of gratitude, he wanted to do something for his host, the Shunamite woman. She said she lacked for nothing, but Elisha's servant noticed she had no children and her husband was old.

Elisha called her and said, "By this time next year, you will have a son." It happened, as Elisha said. By the following year, she had a son whom she loved. We don't know how many years passed, but the boy may have been a toddler or a little older when one day he cried out, "My head, my head," and died. She placed the dead boy on the Prophet's bed and went to find the Man of God (i.e., the Prophet).

I want to share my "My head, my head" story here. When my youngest was around two years old, there was an accident where she rolled down the stairs. With tears in her eyes, she got up, placed her hand on the back of her head, and wailed, "My head, my head." I immediately recalled this story and silently prayed that she would not die. It was a long day - doctor's office, ER, and finally home. We had to watch her closely for several days, but ultimately she was okay. I remember feeling unbelievably calm as we navigated that day, perhaps knowing everything was all right.

Back to the Shunamite woman. First, she went to her husband to summon the Prophet. The request did not make sense to him; he didn't oblige. She responded, "Everything is all right," as she returned home. Then she saddled her donkey and went to find the Prophet herself. She first meets Gehazi, Elisha's servant, insists on seeing the Prophet, and also tells him, "Everything is all right."

When she reached the Man of God at the mountain, she said, "Did I ask you for a son, my lord?" she said. "Didn't I tell you, 'Don't raise my hopes'?" Have you ever felt this way?

Elisha rushed back to the house after his servant could not change the boy's situation (and this is the part that always gives me goosebumps): He went in, shut the door on the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. Then he got on the bed and lay on the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself out on him, the boy's body grew warm. Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out on him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. (2 Kings 4:33-35)

The story ends with a demonstration of gratitude as she bows to Elisha before leaving the guest room.

 It takes faith to know everything is all right when what is in front of you is not. There have been times when my hopes were raised and then dashed. At those times, I have asked God to lay on me mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands, and restore what was taken away from me. I pray the same for you. Don't stop trusting God when things appear to go wrong. Instead, dig in your heels, connect with God, do not leave, and know everything is all right.

Everything is all right.


Thanks for reading. Please take a moment to share using the buttons below. Like my Facebook Page and follow along on Instagram. Remember to subscribe. If you're reading my new book, The Comfort of Night, please leave a review on Amazon or the publisher's site. Stay Encouraged!


  1. It must have been a terrifying time for you when your two year old cried out "my head, my head." Thanks for sharing this example that if we continue to put our faith in God, everything will be all right.

  2. Hello Nylse and thank you for your well written and encouraging article. I did purchase your book and will certainly review it. So far, I give it 5 stars and I am confident that assessment will continue. It is beautifully and thoughtfully written. Oops, that is a spoiler for my review ;) In Christian peace and love, John

  3. This >> "Don't stop trusting God when things appear to go wrong." Nysle, the operative word in that sentence is "appear". Thins are not what they appear. May we watch and wait and keep praying for our God is faithful. Blessings!

  4. It is a beautiful thing when you can say, "everything is alright," when it seems anything but alright. Our trust in God allows us to keep our focus on Him above all else. We do not need to worry when we know the one that is working. Abundant Grace and Love ❤️

  5. Thank you for this encouragement. I want to believe that everything is alright through the good, bad, and the ugly. The Shunamite woman is beautiful example for all of us.

  6. Thank you very much for your encouraging blog post. Oh, and that example of your own child resonates so well here. It's so frightening when your child falls down the stairs. It happened here once too, and my daughter bruised all the bones in her face. Reading your blog, I also briefly thought of the hymn: 'Is it well with your soul.' We sometimes sing that in our church."

    You inspire me to keep trusting.

  7. Nylse, such great advice and encouragement! So often our faith is tested by what we can see, which seems all wrong. I can't imagine how you must have felt when your child was ill!

  8. Nylse, I love your insights and encouragement with. This touched me today.
    Visiting today from G&T


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