Friday, March 18, 2011


On my daily commute, I listen to Christian talk radio. Between shows, there are always these commercials that have nothing to do with Christianity; they usually sound like someone trying to promote their business to the Christian demographic (whatever that is). I hear these commercials so much, they become ingrained on my brain. The same thing happens when I watch TV.

So recently, a friend needed a ride to the airport and I was unable to accommodate her- but because I had recently viewed many commercials for a shuttle service to the airport at a great price, I suggested it to her, though I had never used the service myself. Turns out, the service was great and it lived up to what was portrayed.

What's my point? If we read the Bible with the same frequency as we listen to and watch commercials, we will be surprised at what comes to our brains and our mouths when we need it. Sometimes we may not even know that what we are saying is coming from the Bible, but because it is in us, it comes out. Because its coming from the Bible, it will be edifying, useful, and make you appear wise. If its spirit breathed it will also be the right application for the situation. This has happened to me many times,and when I take time to reflect, I realize that expression/thought/saying came straight from the Bible.

The most arcane instance of this was when the phrase "This thing was not done in a corner" came in to my mind. I did not ever remember reading this and I pondered where it came from. But this statement was made by Paul in his defense to King Agrippa and Festus about Jesus, in the book of Acts - it was so simple and powerful. The first time I read the book of Acts, I was a freshman in college and I read this book like it was an action adventure on a NYC subway - it was that good and I couldn't stop reading.

Do not only read the Bible as an intellectual pursuit, read it as a spiritual endeavor. Read it to know God; read it because you love God and have a relationship with him; read it because it can provide direction in every area of your life.

Like those commercials on TV and radio, you never know when words from the Bible will come back to you, but unlike commercials, the words from the Bible will not disappoint.

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