Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My day did not get off to a good start because I didn't want to wake up and lingered in bed, woke up late, and I didn't have my quiet time with God this morning. As a substitute, I tried listening to a pastor I like; while he was good this was not the same as spending time for myself. It's like smelling chocolate when you really want to taste it.

On the way in to work, I was listening to Bethany Hamilton's story/testimony. She's the young lady whose arm got bitten off by a shark while surfing - three days later she was surfing again. I didn't know this about her - but she's a serious Christian - she's 20, she's kept her purity, and God's purposes are being worked out in her life.

Perspective - when you're looking at something up close you can't always tell what it is, you have to step back.

With that in mind Bethany holds on to Jer 29:11 - so when you're going through something you can't always tell that God was working, but when you step back - WHOA - you can see the hand of God.

I needed that reminder this morning as I was feeling out of sorts, on my way to another day at a pointless job.

Lord increase my faith and help me to know and hold on to your Word.

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